
Author Image

I'm Singgih Bekti W

Engineer and Innovator

Hello, I am an mechatronics engineer and now I am focusing my study on computer vision and machine learning in Chulalongkorn University.

Having experiences in electrical, electronics, control, electro-mechanics encourage me to build small business started from myself since 2017. Now, during my study I develop some research and opportunity which is able to be involved to future life where IoT, cyber-physics, data, connections and etc are the most fundamental part of life.

Skilss & Info

Arduino / C
Video Editing
Graphic Design
  • Age 25
  • Address 10400, Rathcathewi, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Blog sibekti.blogspot.com
  • E-mail singbekti@gmail.com
  • Site http://www.haka9.blogspot.com
  • Phone +62 89 66845 0808
  • Freelance till Present
  • On Vacation till August 9, 2021

What Do We Offer

Computer Vision

The part of automation which is able to process image quickly. Installation and research on image processing, and public surveilance can be produced. 's.

Embedded System

The intergation of software and hardware which is able to be called as embedded system to improve automation system or increasing productivity. 's.

Internet of Things

Obtaining data from such environtment is crucial to ensure processing quality. Data gotten from the environtment is needed to be taken real-time so every device can be connected each other as a system unit. 's.


The process to automate the system for encouraging quality and decreasing cost and expenses. It can be adopted by using integrated circuit, mini PC, PLC, or mechanical system. 's.


Providing calculation proven scientifically can improve your decision. 's.


Using fluids mechanism, the system can be controllable simply with high quality system proven by International Certificate and linked to the one of the biggest company producing this sparepart which is able to help client found the sparepart and the knowledge. 's.


Projects Completed


Happy Customers


Cups Of Coffee



The Portfolio.

A creative agency that believes in the power of creative ideas and great design, based on the knowledge, collaboration, and management process.

Get in Touch

Feel free to drop us a line to contact us



  • Phone+62 89668450808, +66 61 692 2773
  • Address10400, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Emailsingbekti@gmail.com
